Tefillos for all times, segulas for special days and more!
For personal indvidual use only.
Translated to Hebrew, Yiddish and English
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Blessing on a fruit tree
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Special Prayers we say on the days of
Chanukah while lighting the
Chanukah's candles.
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seder ooshpizin | |
Recites Parshas Hamon every day and TODAY
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special prayer to ,one day before rosh chodesh nissun
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FREE download and enjoy
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Free download of prayers to say while eating the simanim on rosh hashana.{positi
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Free download of prayers to say while eating the simanim on rosh hashana.{positi
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Enclosed are the 3 Stories from the Noam Elimeilich
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A Teffila to say on Erev rosh Chodosh Sivan
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Tefillas Hashlah full version
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